i've been around the sun 31 times! wow. life keeps gettin' better and, of course, i wouldn't settle for less. it's usually around this time each year when i realize just how many amazing people i've been blessed w/ the opportunity to know and connect with in this little life of mine. and man, what would i have to do to get all of these belovedones together in one spot (a wedding is out of the question, ha)? but just the idea alone--the combined energies of so many beautiful, crazy, lovin', wise & inspiring beings-- kindles the permanent smile that i carry around on my insides.
once again, in yet another time and place, i find myself surrounded by new & wonderful friends. i'm deeply grateful for all thelove i receive everyday & am excited to spread it around many times over.
so this is what turning 31 in seoul looks like when you're aimeegaines:
a little partay w/ more than enough dessert, wine, cheese and hummus and just enough good friends (note that i took these pictures at the very beginning, meaning that there was even more yumminess & loveliness as the night progressed). :)
sleeping in and then having pumpkin pancakes at noon with one very cool chick (trisha!) ... after which we lazed around, played music, ate leftover desserts and watched movies for most of the day. we did finally made it out of the house (although mostly out of guilt, ha) and met up w/ some other friends for drinks. :)
the next day, my actual birthday, was the last day of my yoga teacher training course, which began 5 months ago (where'd the time go?). yoga felt good. afterwards, i went out w/ the yoga gang for chinese eats, where we were granted our certificates. check it. i like accomplishments. woot!
AND i received some cool & sweet gifts from some cool & sweet pals.
like annie's mac & cheese! i have been talking about it forever, & trisha hooked it up. so stoked! and it suits my habit perfectly w/ the frank's red hot sauce she gave me for xmas. trisha officially rocks. ;)
and check this out. jonna picked up on my owl fetish (she loves her some owls, too) and found this cool owl print on canvas, which now dons my bathroom door. grooviness. love you, jonna! :)
also, some of my students brought me gifts. and i was moved to see that these gifts were obviously inspired by the kids themselves, and not just some token of crap from the parents. these kids pay attention to me. karen got me some chapstick (just like hers), cuz i apply it consistently throughout the day. she also made me a necklace of sparkly yarn w/ a pendant of pink crayon attached w/ tape (quite the invention, eh? haha). alice got me a cute little neck pillow that's supposed to look like either a fish, chicken or snake (i can't figure it out). she told me to use it so that i don't hurt my neck again. awe. and harry got me some fancy chamomile tea and a blue whiteboard marker (because all of the 10 markers i have in my classroom are just about out of juice. haha). and all the kids made me cute little cards and pictures. i just love them to death.
birthdays, as vain as they may be, can be uplifting. i feel great again. thanks, guys. for all of the emails and fbook messages, too! xoxoxoxo
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