also, i've been looking into buying a folding bike for a few reasons. first of all, you can fold them up and take them on the subway and the bus. also, certain ones can go in checked luggage on airplanes w/ no extra charge. something like that would be perfect for the most epic adventure ever---can't you imagine? crossing oceans, mountains, alleyways, dirt paths, villages, cities countrysides, entire countries...with a bike. (this is exactly what my beloved friends, jess & mikelanjelo will be doing soon, and i envy them. so awesome, really.) however, a bike that is made for such an adventure comes w/ a price.
anyway, one morning, as soon as i got up, i had the urge to check craigslist (which hardly ever has bike postings) for a bike, and VOILA! there it was. $50, folding bike. =D and now it's mine! i love when life works out beautifully like that.
i know that i have not biked enough in my is so exhilerating. to me, the feeling must be comparable to flying...self-propelled by the beating of my heart, rather than my wings. i become a lowland bird, sweeping through alleyways, swerving through pedestrians and drifting along waterways. smells pass through me and i recognize them as they have just vanished. a soundtrack plays in my head. my vision is like a nature show played in fast forward. i feel more powerful than those on foot, but also superior to the cars on the street. unstoppable. ....and then my chain pops off. doh! haha. what can i expect for $50? so i fix it and continue on w/ black fingertips. life is excellent. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
my bike now has a name: pip! he's a little pipsqueak, and i love him. :P