
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

WHAT I WON'T MISS (top 10)

i love knowing that most of the things i have enjoyed about my life here (such as: the rooster that lives across the street, growing a garden from seed, biking along rivers & streams, beach camping weekends, hiking trips, sand volleyball, culinary experiments, etc) i will also be able to enjoy --at least as much-- when i return to hawaii. damn, hawaii is a good place.

so, on top of that, there are some things that i simply will not miss at all about korea:

1. hocking ajosshis

2. mummified trees

(yes, that's an intravenous drip going in. i just don't get it)

3. riding the crowded subway
(it takes years off your life, i swear)

4. masks & yellow dust

5. stare-downs

6. pushy ajummas

(well, i actually get a kick out of 'em)

7. avocado deprivation
(among other fresh, tropical foods)

8. lack of individual expression
(conformity bites!)

9. living anywhere near this guy

....and all of these things take a big backseat to #10. the hagwon drama i've experienced. hahaha.

please note that i mention the negative only to make my departure seem sweeter. korea, thank you for being so good to me. maybe i'll come back one day. for now, PEACE OUT!


  1. Will you maintain a blog of your Thai experiences?

  2. yes, i will continue this same blog. need to change the title, tho, to something general for me. any ideas?

  3. Maybe the new title should be "Thai time." Please provide a link to the new blog.
