
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

one way ticket to thailand :)

yes. i have one.

i'm calling it quits on ol' worwick and on korea all together, at least for a while. life here has been good, to be sure, but the feeling in my bones tells me that the time has come to move on. yeah, yeah... i DID just sign on for a second year in march, and i'm not typically the quitting type, but hey. this feels good.

i'm finding it harder these days to live each minute in the present and am rather dreaming of days without late paychecks, lesson plans, yellow dust and crowded subway commutes. ugh.

scheming forward to days full of fresh-picked tropical fruits, salt water, sand and soil. and further experimentation with love. yeeeeeeeee.

so. money has been spent. reservations and registrations (some) have been made. dates on the calendar have been marked. this change is finally in the real.

july 16th is my last day of work and i fly to thailand on the 19th... and i'm positive that those 2 free days in between those dates will be nothing short of hectic. packing. goodbyes. shipping boxes. give-aways. etc. gotta love those crazy, frantic, transitional times.

once in thailand, i'll be spending a couple of weeks up north at a sweet farm and educational center (the PANYA PROJECT and PUN PUN, their neighbors) for a permaculture design course. after that, i'll do a little traveling around the area (laos, vietnam, cambodia, we'll see) before flying back to the best place on earth, hawaii nei.

that being said, i still have about 6 WEEKS [!] left in the land of the morning calm. my plan is to max out both my garden and my tent, play outside and chill w/ my closest friends here as much as possible. make the most!

i like to remind myself w/ these wise and clever words by eleanor roosevelt:

"yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... that's why it's called the present"


  1. good for you for going with your gut, Aimee! Hopefully we'll bump into eachother during your last 6 weeks--i'm guessing things will be hectic~if not, then keep in touch. I'm leaning towards Hawaii after this myself, but still have another 8 months to go :)


  2. so you ARE leaving us for good!!! but then it's a heck of a short countdown! maybe our paths will cross again but until then, I hope to see you more in yoga class :)Milena

  3. Awe hey way to go, Aimee! good luck on your journey. I look forward to reading about your new adventures, so keep writing and being amazing, lady! So much love, Sus
