
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

desert island adventure

last weekend was an epic adventure to a deserted island off the west coast called sa seung bong do. i had been looking forward to the trip for a couple of weeks, while experiencing lots of bright & sunny weather... but the forecast for this specific weekend was 100% chance of rain. whatever. it's a deserted island...will be fun, no matter. so friday evening, after school, i take off w/ a friend to pick up my friend, mike, from the airport. he flew in from hawaii & we took him straight to a jimjilbang (bathhouse) to spend the night. we had some good, oldfashioned, naked fun at the bathhouse, but we didn't get much sleep, thanks to wooden pillows and a bunch of noisy koreans. up at 7am the next morning to catch a ferry out to the islands. when we arrived to deok jeok do (a different island), our group boarded two smallish private boats to what has now been dubbed "LOST island". everyone was laden w/ more than enough stuff to survive for the short weekend. drinking water, soju, makgeoli, food, stoves, tents, blankets, etc, beach sports gear, stringed instruments... almost instantly as we disembarked w/ all our stuff, the rain starts to fall. a little bit, then a lot. so we frantically set up camp and took shelter inside our then wet & sandy tents. time to crack open the first bottle of makgeoli and the guitars! i don't know just for how long we played, sang, and drank, but it was long enough for us to get a nice buzz and for the rain to stop. YAY! when we emerged, the pirate flag had been hoisted and someone was starting a fire, which everyone was bee lining for w/ wet clothes & sleeping bags for drying. it was a dreary, yet fabulous day of music, volleyball, football, barbecuing, campfire songs, toasting marshmallows, etc...and the most amazing bioluminescent plankton that i have ever seen that night. we ran around like toddlers on acid in the sparky shore break until we were completely spent. during the night, i could hear the waves crashing closer and closer to the tent, but was surprised to find that we were still in the same spot when i awoke the next day.
early morning on that island was ethereal. bands of mist hung in rings around the islands in view. no sound, but the sea and the sandpipers, which seemed to be plotting their revenge. the sand was smooth and perfect. yoga, then a walk, then breakfast upon my return to camp. aah.
another day, similar to the last. no rain, though ... and the sun even teased us a little bit. i must say that it was too soon when the boats came back to rescue us from our little "lost" paradise. work tomorrow? man....

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